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The Brexit And Political discussion Forum

Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

News Roundup: Republicans still stoking election hoaxes; Monday strike in Wisconsin


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In the news today: Republicans continued to promote the Big Lie this weekend, not only suggesting that Donald Trump's election loss was the result of imaginary "fraud" but hinting that the results of the next midterm elections might also be dismissed as fraudulent. In Wisconsin, immigrants plan a statewide strike Monday to demand a pathway to citizenship for undocumented residents. The threat of far-right domestic terrorism continues to rise, with would-be terrorists increasingly convinced that their violence will "awaken" the public into supporting their cause.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

There will be a second insurrection. Fox News and the Republican Party are making sure of it

Far-right terrorists increasingly believe they need to ‘awaken the public’ with mass violence

National TV news keeps ignoring the human costs of extreme weather events

Wisconsin immigrants to hold statewide strike for citizenship on Monday: 'Our time is now'

War on Christmas starts early with hyperventilating reaction to Fauci comments

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