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Brexit may have begun but it is not over, indeed it may never be finished.

News Roundup: Texas slashes Guard pay during border stunt; TPUSA audience pushes for violence


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In the news today: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott finally answered critics asking who would pay for his latest propaganda stunt, the pointless dispatch of Texas National Guard troops to the state's southern border. It's the National Guard troops themselves who are footing the bill for some of it, with the state slashing the tuition assistance they were promised for signing on in the first place.

Elsewhere, the obsessively Trumpian "Turning Point USA" has long promoted anti-democratic, pro-authoritarian rhetoric against Trump's enemies, so it's hardly surprising when one of their rally audiences angrily starts asking how long they have to wait "before we kill these people." Charlie Kirk's answer boiled down to maybe later. The Trump lawyer who wrote a guide for how Trump's vice president could nullify a United States election on his own initiative, meanwhile, still blames "establishment guy" Mike Pence for not going along with the autogolpe.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

Texas National Guard sent to border for Abbott's stunt as state slashes their tuition assistance

TPUSA audience member at Idaho event wants to know how long ‘before we kill these people’

Coup planner John Eastman blames 'establishment guy' Mike Pence for failing to overturn election

In Montana, conservative propaganda shows how close the nation has teetered toward fascism

Florida surgeon general, Harvard Med School grad, says he can't 'communicate clearly' with mask on

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