News Roundup: White nationalist fury; COVID-19 scammers; another Biden nominee confirmed


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In today's news: Another historic Biden nominee receives Senate confirmation. Far-right extremists and Tucker Carlson (but I repeat myself) are outraged by a jury's conviction of George Floyd's killer. Facebook continues to get people killed, this time through the promotion of con artists, vaccine hoax-crafters, and conspiracy theorists using the social network to disparage pandemic safety for self-promotion and to sell their own (fake) products.

Here's some of what you may have missed:

Vanita Gupta confirmed as associate attorney general despite Republican attacks

Chauvin guilty verdict induces much wailing and gnashing of teeth among far-right extremists

Tucker’s first show after Chauvin verdict went even further off the rails than anyone anticipated

Minnesota hockey coach dies after being punched over social distancing concerns

Scammers, forgers, and frauds: A handful of anti-vax racketeers are bilking the nation

From the community:

Coal Miners Join with Climate Activists to Support Biden's Infrastructure Plan

“Bagel Dogs for the Chosen People” Offered to Jewish Soldiers to Attend Military Boss’s Bible Study
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