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No big shocker to learn that Herschel Walker hawked 'dry mist' spray to 'clean' you of COVID-19


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If the fact that he lied about graduating from college, almost appeared at a fundraiser thrown by a woman with a Nazi insignia on her Twitter profile, or his long history of domestic violence doesn’t sway you, maybe pro football star-turned-Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walkers’ new “dry mist” for COVID-19 will sell you.

The Daily Beast found an August 2020 interview where Walker told right-wing talk show host Glenn Beck about the new FDA-approved “spray” that kills COVID on contact.

“I probably shouldn’t tell you,” Walker says, adding “Do you know right now, I have something that [you can bring] into a building, that will clean you of COVID, as you walk through this, this dry mist?”

Even Beck looked suspicious, but Walker rambled on.

“As you walk through the door, it will kill any COVID on your body,” he continues. He leans in and adds, “EPA-, FDA-approved,” then continues: “When you leave—it will kill the virus as you leave, this here product,” Walker says. He adds that he has a second unspecified miracle product, a “spray” possibly indicated for use after the dry mist treatment.

“They don’t want to talk about that. They don’t want to hear about that,” Walker says. “And I’m serious.”

YouTube Video

And all this nonsense comes from a man who has never been involved in politics. He has zero experience, and the Republicans have cleared the field for him. This shows you how obedient they are to former President Donald Trump.

But big props to Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reporter Greg Bluestein for pointing out something a lot of people didn’t: Walker’s camp has been propagating the myth that Walker graduated from the University of Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. That’s a lie.

A lie found on his Amazon author site, his Speaker Booking Agency page, and his New Georgia Encyclopedia entry, the AJC reported.

Walker is hoping to unseat Democratic U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock in 2022, but only after going toe-to-toe with a slew of other GOP candidates. Warnock became Georgia’s first Black senator in 2020 and is also a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church, once led by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Even as Walker’s multimillion-dollar treasure chest grew, he was headed to an October fundraiser in Parker, Texas, co-hosted by dubious figure Bettina Sofia Viviano-Langlais—a film producer, proud birther, and president and owner of Accelerate Entertainment, which offers a very short slate of very bad movies.

Viviano-Langlais not only produces crap entertainment but she’s also a vehement right-wing anti-vaxxer who, until she was called out about it, used a swastika symbol made of syringes on her Twitter profile.

When the AJC asked for a comment regarding the swastika symbol on Walker’s host’s page, his camp responded with: “This is clearly an anti-mandatory vaccination graphic. Herschel unequivocally opposes anti-semitism and bigotry of all kinds.” Okay, and we don’t see the resemblance?

Viviano-Langlais defended the symbol on Twitter, saying she changed the profile picture because “It’s insane to think that pic was Anti-Semetic [sic]. Desperate actually. It was a pic showing what happens when fascists demand people insert foreign material into their body they don’t want ...”

According to public records reviewed by the Associated Press, Walker repeatedly threatened ex-wife Cindy Grossman during his divorce. In 2005, Grossman secured a protective order against him, alleging violence and controlling behavior, AP reports.

In an interview with ABC News, Grossman said Walker held a gun to her head, saying, “I’m going to blow your f---ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”

The two-time Pro Bowl champion running back refused to say whether or not he’s been vaccinated or boosted, but of course, he continues to poll high among Republicans.

According to Georgia’s Department of Public Health (DPH), unvaccinated people make up 60% of new COVID-19 cases and those who are boosted make up just 3% of breakthrough infections.

“We are now breaking records with cases of COVID-19. We have our hospital systems under stress. We have deaths climbing. It's critical that you get the booster if you're eligible," Atlanta physician Dr. Frita Fisher told TV station 11-Alive.

Georgia DPH reported 17,686 cases of COVID-19 today.