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Parody Video Tears Into Boris Johnson's Feeble Response About No.10 Party


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Rosie Holt mocked the prime minister's evasive response to questions about the alleged No.10 party

Comic Rosie Holt mimicked Boris Johnson’s evasive answers over the allegedly Downing Street party in a sharp parody sketch.

Holt mocks the way the government has dodged any questions about the supposed drinks party which allegedly took place on May 20, 2020 in No.10′s garden, while the rest of the country was under a strict Covid lockdown.

Using the original questions a Sky News reporter asked the prime minister about the party, Holt posed as an MP who “doesn’t know whether she attended” the drinks event in an online sketch.

MP doesn’t know whether she attended Downing St Party pic.twitter.com/Cb0H3abfqq

— Rosie Holt (@RosieisaHolt) January 11, 2022

Pretending to respond to a question about being at the party on May 20, 2020, Holt said: “Well all that, as you know, is subject to an investigation with Sue Gray so until that report is completed, your guess is as good as mine.

“I don’t know if I attended the party.”

Holt continued: “It’s the age old question: If a tree falls in a forest, but no-one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound?

″If there was a party in lockdown when we told everyone they couldn’t even attend funerals, but no-one knew about it, was there a party?

“And Sue Gray is tasked with answering this philosophical question.

“You know, it’s very hard because hypothetically, I could think, “Oh, back in May 2020, I was there with my Rose that I’d got on the way [...] with my sausage roll, looking at 40-50 people thinking, ‘ah is this wrong?’

“Well I’m not going to know that until people find out about it and I’m being made to explain myself about it. Hypothetically.”

She continued: ”Until the investigation with Sue Gray has been completed, I won’t know if I’ve been interviewed by Sue Gray...so....”

The video accumulated more than 4,000 likes on Twitter less than an hour after it was posted.

Holt was mocking Johnson’s bizarre interview with a Sky News reporter on the same topic earlier this week.

When asked if he and his wife Carrie attended a No.10 party organised by Martin Reynolds – the prime minister’s principle private secretary – on May 20, 2020, Johnson smiled.

He said it was all “subject to a proper investigation by Sue Gray”.

When pressed again, he started laughing a little and repeated his response.

Huh wonder why he can’t just say “no” pic.twitter.com/2CWs3IVfC0

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) January 11, 2022

It’s not only Holt who has mocked this response – especially as both housing secretary Michael Gove and health minister Ed Argar gave the same reply when asked about the same allegations.

Twitter has lit up in response to the so-called ‘partygate’:

you ask how my Dry January is going, I think I’ve been clear that with Sue Gray’s investigation ongoing I am simply going to have to repeat myself and say I can’t possibly comment until the facts have been established

— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) January 11, 2022

Is there going to be an inquiry into whether it’s Sue Grey or Sue Gray?

— Tom Peck (@tompeck) January 11, 2022

?BREAKING: Tory will or won’t say what did or didn’t happen at lockdown breaking Downing Street party. pic.twitter.com/XlcLFt7rwp

— Jolyon Rubinstein (@JolyonRubs) January 11, 2022

