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Republican talk show host who says election was 'stolen' investigated for election fraud


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A conservative North Georgia talk show host who, like most conservatives, rails against election fraud, has allegedly voted illegally … nine times. He’s also a candidate for the state House. How did he allegedly break the law and commit Republican-only election fraud?

Well, the Georgia attorney general’s office says Brian K. Pritchard voted while “serving a felony sentence in a $33,000 forgery and theft case.” Dawson County News reports Pritchard says the accusations will not dissuade him from running. In fact, he’s working the classic GOP persecution complex angle, saying, “I will not be intimidated. I will not be bullied.”

RELATED STORY: Black woman gets 5 years for voting once; no charges for NC woman who voted twice

Pritchard runs fetchyournews.com and qualified for the special election on Monday as the story of the state’s investigation into him became clearer. According to the report, back in 1996, Pritchard was living in Pennsylvania and pleaded guilty to three felonies, which included two counts of forgery and one count of theft by failure to make a required disposition of funds. He received probation and over $33,000 in restitution payments.

In 2008, Pritchard registered to vote in Georgia and subsequently voted in nine elections from 2008 to 2011—when his probation period ended. According to the accusation, those three years consisted of Pritchard voting illegally. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that this is the same guy who has been saying the 2020 election was “stolen” from Donald Trump, while also calling Gov. Brian Kemp—himself one of the most blatant, bigoted vote suppressors of the modern era—being complicit in it.

Will Pritchard be thrown into jail the way 43-year-old Crystal Mason was for voting once after being released from prison on similar charges to Pritchard? They both have the same excuse: they didn’t know and no one in a position of authority stopped them from voting. Mason was given a five-year sentence for that. She is also Black and Prichard is white. Dawson County News has the alleged illegal elections Pritchard voted in:

  • July 15, 2008 General Primary Election

  • Aug. 5, 2008 General Primary Election Run-off

  • Nov. 4, 2008 General Election

  • Dec. 2, 2008 General Election Run-off

  • May 11, 2010 Special Election

  • June 8, 2010 Special Election

  • July 20, 2010 General Primary Election

  • Aug. 10, 2010 General Primary Election Run-off

  • Nov. 2, 2010 General Election

Pritchard is running against another Republican in a special election for the recently passed-away Speaker David Ralston’s vacant 7th District seat. Ralston, who died last month, might ring a bell as he was one of the more vocal anti-democracy conservatives who lamented efforts to expand vote by mail, saying it would “be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia. Every registered voter is going to get one of these. … This will certainly drive up turnout.”

Ralston was also the guy who, all the way back in August 2021, appointed former Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison to the state Judicial Qualifications Commission, only to have him resign that position a couple of weeks later after photos surfaced (that had already been surfaced less than a decade previously) showing him decked out in KKK regalia. Ralston’s widow is running against Pritchard for the seat.

So there are no good guys here.

The Republican Party continues to flail and point fingers at one another. The traditional media pretends it did not completely blow it on predicting a “red wave” a few weeks ago. On today’s episode, Markos is joined by Democratic political strategist Simon Rosenberg. Rosenberg was one of the few outsiders who, like Daily Kos, kept telling the world that these midterm races were closer than was being reported. The two do a little gloating about being right in their optimism coming into the 2022 midterm elections, give their analysis of Democratic candidates' successes, and point to signs that the Republican Party is terrified as we head into the 2024 election cycle.

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RELATED STORY: Voting Rights Roundup: Infamous GOP vote-suppressor 'concerned' if everyone votes in his election