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Rudy Giuliani loses communications director, even as he and his world continue to unravel


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Handling public relations for Rudy Giuliani seems like a particularly Sisyphean task. So imagine if it was your first job out of college. To begin with, having “Rudy Giuliani” on your résumé can’t be good. You’d be better off leading with “June 2019-August 2021: Sponge-bathed Randy Quaid” than willfully associating yourself with the phantasmagorical twilight of Rudes’ career. Ah, but don’t tell Christianné Allen that.

Allen, a young MAGA “influencer” who hopped onto the Giuliani bandwagon after it had already thrown most of its wheels, is now stepping down—just in time for the 20th anniversary of 9/11, a milestone Rudy is sure to celebrate with a car wash bucket full of Scotch and a cheesy radiator pita or two.

Of course, “America’s Mayor” hasn’t enjoyed anything resembling folk hero status for some time now. Whether it’s being named Donald Trump’s cybersecurity adviser before locking himself out of his own iPhone, doing possibly (probably?) illegal things in Ukraine to enhance the electoral prospects of the worst presidential candidate in the history of democratic self-rule, leaking like a BP oil well while attempting to overturn the results of a free and fair election, or simply rubbing one out in front of Borat, Rudy has been a PR nightmare for years, and it looks like the 22-year-old Allen has had enough. She’s resigned from her job at Giuliani Communications LLC “effective this week,” according to The Daily Beast.

Her tenure began amid the fallout from Giuliani’s Ukraine meddling and then-President Donald Trump’s 2019 impeachment. She was later at Giuliani’s side during the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco ahead of the 2020 election, as well as during the post-election litigation and PR blitz that ultimately cost Giuliani his license to practice law in Washington, D.C., and New York.

Her resignation comes at a stressful time for Giuliani, who earlier this year laid off other staff under financial pressure from mounting legal bills. The former mayor must now navigate a PR team shake-up while fighting on several fronts, including civil suits related to his election challenges and a federal investigation into his alleged foreign influence work. At the same time, Giuliani finds himself increasingly isolated from the Republican Party, and his longtime friend former President Donald Trump seems to have all but abandoned him.

Well, Donald Trump abandons everyone after they’ve stopped being useful to him. But when an eager, wide-eyed 22-year-old jumps ship, that’s when you know the iceberg has won.

Luckily, The Daily Beast reports, Rudes has a new team all lined up.

Allen says she has been replaced by Todd Shapiro, a former spokesperson for Lindsay Lohan’s family who also claims to have represented Trump properties, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), and Hooters of Long Island and New Jersey.

Okay, well, his new PR maven appears to have plenty of experience with both unstable celebrities and gratuitous use of boobs to sell chicken wings—so this should be a lateral move for him.

Naturally, Allen, who, as Giuliani’s lead PR person, has already been through enough public relations disasters for several lifetimes, was diplomatic on her way out the door: “As I reflect, I am proud of the accomplishments we achieved,” she said. “One of which was building Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense podcast from conception to one of the top political podcasts in the country in under a year. Looking forward, I once again feel blessed to have the opportunity for continued growth and development within a rising tech startup.”

As for Giuliani, he recently felt compelled to tell NBC New York that he has not “gone off the rails” and is “not an alcoholic.” I had assumed he’d said it from a railroad ditch while drinking from a Sterno can hidden in an old sock he’d found in his grandma’s woods, but it looks like he was in a New York City park or something.

Great time to lose your PR flack, huh? Good luck to Allen as she forges a career outside of Rudyland, although the Turning Point USA “ambassador” doesn’t seem like she’s ready to leave MAGA world.

Well, y’all. I did my first interview in about two years. It was such a treat to join @JennaEllisEsq on her show at #YWLS2021 to discuss something that has been weighing heavy on my heart and that is the global rise of religious persecution and hostility. @TPUSA @RealAmVoice pic.twitter.com/cWY42uqms7

— Christianné L Allen (@Christianne_L_A) June 12, 2021

But after babysitting Rudy for the past two years, anything she does will have to seem like a relief.

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