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Sign and send: Urge the Senate to confirm Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)


Active member
As Daily Kos' Joan McCarter reported, after a long impasse we may finally have the votes needed to advance net neutrality trailblazer Gigi Sohn's nomination to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Without basic net neutrality protections, large phone and cable companies—Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T, for example—are able to block, throttle, and slow access to sites and services at will, charge new fees for users and companies to reach audiences online, and freely sell our data. Internet users and small media outlets like Daily Kos are at the mercy of Big Telecom.

The timeline is tight, and the opposition is well-funded, so we need your help to confirm this highly qualified, fierce consumer advocate. Sign and send to your U.S. senators: Confirm Gigi Sohn to the FCC.

Earlier this year, a bombshell report detailed Comcast's “absolutely unprecedented” lobbying blitz to stop net neutrality by blocking President Biden’s FCC nominee. To protect their profits and power, they and other billion-dollar corporations have deployed a dishonest, misogynistic smear campaign to vindictively target and malign Sohn. It's an effective tactic that has blocked confirmations for other highly qualified women.

The lobbying blitz has had grotesque outcomes: Sohn, who would be the first openly gay FCC commissioner, has endured threatening phone calls and emails, name-calling, and bigoted attacks on her sexual orientation. Through it all, she has held strong, unwilling to walk away from a role she has more than earned.

Sohn has spent her career working on behalf of consumers and advocating for open, affordable, and democratic communications networks. She has garnered broad, bipartisan support from civil rights leaders, progressive organizations, consumer watchdogs, privacy and rural broadband advocates, and even some industry groups. Her nomination has managed to unite everyone from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to—my goodness, cannot believe I'm typing this—the CEO of Newsmax. I mean, C'MON.

On a personal note, I've had the pleasure of getting to know Gigi through this campaign. I have come to admire and respect not only her commitment to a free and fair internet, but her commitment to a government of, for, and by the people. She is one of us and multi-billion dollar corporations are attacking her for it.

If we lose, it can't be because we didn't fight. The clock is ticking on this outstanding nominee. Sign and send a petition to your U.S. senators to help us confirm Gigi Sohn to the FCC.