SNL Skewers Cowardly Republicans In Congress For Sucking Up To Trump


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SNL cold open/

SNL took on Republicans in Congress for being terrified of and constantly sucking up to former president Donald Trump.


The sketch features portrayals of Sens. Jim Risch (ID), Marco Rubio (FL), and South Carolina senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham.

Frisch said, “Sometimes I do not know what my party is doing. I mean, I’ve been pushing for Ukraine funding for the past six months. It’s essential to American security. And Trump just killed it with one phone call. The man doesn’t care about this country one iota. Sometimes I think he’s downright dangerous.”

Rubio asked, “And you just endorsed him, right?”

Frisch replied, “ Yeah, big-time, he’s great.”

The cold open features the senators talking about real things that Trump has done to them, like giving Rubio the Lil’ Marco nickname and the 2015 doxxing of Lindsey Graham.

It was the interaction between Graham and Tim Scott that resulted in a great exchange:

Scott: What I love about him personally is he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. I like that.

Rubio: Really? Did you see him last night at that speech in South Carolina when he told that crowd that black people like him better now because he has a mugshot?

Scott: Yeah, my man got street cred! You know. But look, underneath it all, he’s a good man and I love him, I do.
Graham: Hey, Tim.

Scott: Yeah?

Graham: Whatever he did to you, it’s not your fault.

Scott: But no, no, he didn’t do anything to me. I’m fine.

Graham: I mean, are you really? Remember, he’s not going to be around forever. Well, he might be, right?
Sometimes I think his ass is going to live a thousand years. But Tim? Honey? Don’t let him turn you into somebody else.

Scott: Guys. I am a U.S. Senator. And I will never, ever compromise my integrity for Donald Trump. But I might if he made me vice president, hey!

SNL nailed it. Republicans in Congress continue to enable and stand by Trump because they want the power. Tim Scott is willing to humiliate and debase himself for a chance to be Trump’s vice president.

Instead of standing up for their country, Republicans have given in and caved to Trump, because they value partisan power over the good of the country.

Republicans are afraid of Trump, but they are also elevating him., and this hypocrisy was perfectly captured by SNL for the entire nation to see.

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