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Sturgeon reiterates that a general election may be the only alternative to a referendum


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Speaking ahead of the SNP conference in Aberdeen, the party’s leader, Nicola Sturgeon has reiterated her previous suggestion, that if the Scottish government loses its impending case at the Supreme Court, then the SNP will fight the next general election as if it is a de-facto referendum on independence.

Speaking on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this morning, the Scottish First Minister said “I want a referendum, and we are only talking about the other scenario if outrageously, the referendum route is blocked”.

The SNP leader did also add that “a referendum can only happen if it is legal and constitutional. We won’t deliver independence in any other way”.

Reiterating that the merger of a referendum and a general election is not the ideal outcome, Sturgeon blamed the Westminster government, saying, “We have a Westminster government who say Scottish democracy just doesn’t count for anything”.

“We wouldn’t be in this situation if we had a Westminster government that just accepted Scottish democracy”.

When campaigning to become Conservative party leader, Liz Truss repeated that she would “not allow” another independence vote, and spoke of her disapproval of “separatists” who are “trying to drive us apart”.

The Supreme Court will decide later this month whether to allow Indyref2. The draft bill, which the judges will consider, states that the aim of the referendum is to “ascertain the views of the people of Scotland on whether Scotland should be an independent country”.

The latest polls on Scottish independence, suggests that ‘no’ campaigners have a narrow lead in the polls, albeit a notable 5-10% of respondents regularly cite that they are currently undecided on the issue.

Sturgeon’s latest comments reaffirm her commitment to a second referendum being held during her time as First Minister. She added, “Voters in Scotland elected me on the proposition of having a clear referendum. I am seeking to treat Scottish voters with respect but I am also seeking to deliver on the mandate that they elected me with”.

The post Sturgeon reiterates that a general election may be the only alternative to a referendum appeared first on Politics.co.uk.