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Surprise! The world likes the U.S. much better with Joe Biden in charge


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Not surprising at all, countries across the world are seeing the U.S. in a better light after Joe Biden took office. A new poll by the Morning Consult found that countries’ opinions of the U.S. have improved by an average of nine points, in some cases even double digits since Donald Trump left office.

Countries worldwide have noticed the changes Biden has made in office so far in his 100 days, resulting in an improvement to the U.S.’s global standing. Since taking office Biden has not only addressed the COVID-19 pandemic head-on by vowing to vaccinate 100 million before his 100th day, but has signed several executive actions toward immigration, made efforts to address climate change, and made moves on accountability in combating racial injustice.

“International opinion of the United States, in many nations, is genuinely contingent on American actions,” University of Kansas professor Dr. David Farber, who edited a book on international perceptions of the U.S., told Morning Consult. “People in many nations around the world are, I think, hopeful, that the election of Joe Biden marks a rejection of Trump’s ‘America First’ bullying and go-it-alone international policies and a return to a more collaborative, pro-democracy approach to international affairs.”

Biden’s attempts to strengthen ties with countries that Trump once severed has also highly impacted the U.S.’s rating. According to the poll between Jan. 20 and April 25, Germany, Japan, and France each saw an improvement of over 30 points. Many of the countries that saw improvements including Mexico had once been targeted by Trump’s hateful rhetoric. But surprisingly, despite the consistent blame Trump has put on China and Asians for spreading the COVID-19 pandemic, China was one of the few countries whose view of the U.S. has worsened since Biden took office.

Morning Consult’s polling data follows other data and polls from the Pew Research Center and Ipsos which depict the rise in the U.S.’s reputation alongside individuals favoring Biden over Trump.

Polling from the Pew Research Center in 2017 found that the U.S.’s ranking in the eyes of others globally dropped from 64% during Barack Obama’s term to 49% at the beginning of Trump’s presidency. As Trump continued his ways of spreading violence, hateful rhetoric, and failing to address the COVID-19 pandemic opinions of the U.S. fell further, Forbes reported.

This isn’t the first time world citizens and leaders seem to favor Biden over Trump though. After the announcement of Biden’s win world leaders took to expressing their excitement of Trump’s exit. From prime ministers, presidents, and even the pope, leaders shared their congratulations and best wishes to Biden.

“The (election) victory of Biden represents the victory of democracy over the ultra-right and its three methods, the massive deception, the national division and the abuse, even violent, of democratic institutions. ... Five years ago, we thought Trump was a bad joke, but five years later we realized he jeopardized nothing less than the world’s most powerful democracy,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said at an event, according to Reuters.

A spokesperson for the Palestinian Islamic Group, Hamas, also shared similar thoughts calling out Trump. “There are no regrets at the departure of Trump, as he has been the biggest source and sponsor of injustice, violence and extremism in the world and the direct partner of the Israeli occupation in the aggression against our people,” Fawzi Barhoum said. “U.S. President Joe Biden must reverse the course of misguided and unjust policies against our people and lay the foundations for security and stability in the region.”

But Biden’s popularity isn’t just increasing globally. Across the U.S. his approval rating is also increasing. While not at a rapid rate, it is steadily increasing with the different promises he is upholding at a quick pace. According to Morning Consult’s poll, the U.S.’s own opinion of itself has improved by 10 points.

Americans are beginning to feel confident in both Biden and where the country is heading. A poll from Daily Kos’s Civiqs team found that 47% approve the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president while this is only a 1% difference from those who disapprove, with efforts to address climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and racism, Biden’s approval rates are sure to rise past party lines.

Civiqs Results