Teething Symptoms To Watch Out For, According To Parents


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Going through teething is a huge milestone for your baby, but it can also be a difficult time for them when it comes to discomfort.

Though all babies develop at a different pace, your baby will usually get their first tooth before the age of one.

Even teething symptoms vary from baby to baby, some might not feel a lot of discomfort, yet others might be having sleepless nights from the pain.

The official symptoms to look out for according to the NHS are:

  • -dribbling
  • rubbing their ears
  • chewing and gnawing on things
  • a possible temperature.

But according to parents, there are some things they have experienced with their children that you can look out for, as well.

On Mumsnet, one parent asked the question of what symptoms other parents saw when their child was teething.

She wrote: “We are going through it at the moment. Temp, runny nappies, random outbursts of crying in pain that will only be soothed by Calpol and Anbesol.

“We’ve only ever had two come through at once previously but we’ve got six at the moment and to say I’m frazzled is an understatement.”

She added: “It made me think about how doctors say there’s no medical evidence that teething causes any of this but my DC can’t be alone in experiencing this?!”

Other parents were quick to respond, with one person saying their daughter had all of the mentioned symptoms too.

They added that their daughter also had a rash around her mouth “as if her saliva had suddenly turned acidic, and a similar looking rash on her bottom too, poor kid.”

What teething symptoms should I look out for?

Parents seemed to agree on some common symptoms their children showed when it came to teething — here are the top five mentioned.

1. Runny and acidic smelling nappies with a sore bum

2. Mild temperature

3. Poor sleep

4. Change in appetite and only preferring hard OR soft foods

However, if you do suspect your child is experience more discomfort than normal, always make sure to speak to a GP about their symptoms.

You can check the NHS website for more information.


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