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The fight for voting rights is heating up on the Senate floor


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On Wednesday around 6:30 PM ET, the Democratic Party’s senators will attempt to break the filibuster in order pass essential voting rights legislation. So far, Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema continue to remain the only Democrats willing to join the Republican Party’s march toward fascism.

For most Americans, adding federal voting rights protections and codifying it into law is arguably the least controversial thing Democratic legislators can get accomplished. Whether or not you believe Sens. Manchin and Sinema have shown their true corrupt colors at this point, protecting voter rights is not simply a no-brainer piece of legislation; the fact that the Republican Party is against it and unwilling to vote for it may be the single most important reason why we must get it passed.

To that end, Democratic officials are out in front of cameras and in front of their fellow politicians, trying to make sure that at least 50 of them can do the right thing on Jan. 19, 2022.

Thursday, Jan 20, 2022 · 3:33:20 AM +00:00 · Joan McCarter

An extremely valiant effort on the part of pretty much every single Democrat with the exception of those two who shall not be named tonight. The 48 Democrats are defeated by two who apparently are okay with ending free and fair elections in our democracy.

It shall, 52-48: Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgement of the Senate in relation to Rule XIX and the legislative filibuster.

— Senate Cloakroom (@SenateCloakroom) January 20, 2022

Earlier in the day, members of the Congressional Black Caucus stood outside of the Senate and addressed reporters, making a show of their support for the voting rights legislation.


One of the things forgotten in this bill is the Disclose Act, which would help throw a wrench into dark money groups’ ability to stay in the shadows and not have to disclose their huge money donations that allow $400 million to magically appear in support of packing the Supreme Court with right-wing mediocrities. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse ended his speech with two examples of how nefarious and undemocratic the dark money river that runs behind voter-suppression laws is, among other things.

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Then Sen. Cory Booker stepped up to respond to the mealy-mouthed history lesson (sans context and answers) speech that Republican Sen. Tim Scott preceded the New Jersey senator’s remarks with. Booker, justifiably exasperated, pointed out the actual facts of the matter and the color lines being drawn on elections maps by GOP-controlled state legislatures: “Don't lecture me about Jim Crow! I know this is not 1965. That's what makes me so outraged. It's 2022, and they're blatantly removing more polling places from the counties where Black and Latinos are overrepresented. I'm not making that up. That is a fact.”

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Then Sen. Joe Manchin got up and did this:



What he said, besides being historically inaccurate, was a pathetic attempt by a corrupt dirtbag millionaire whose cynicism knows no bounds at this point, in the twilight of his career. The responses to this are all that’s worthwhile to report.

The thing about Manchin claiming "the United States Senate has never been able to end debate with a simple majority" is that the last 3 SCOTUS nominees were confirmed with simple majority-- two of whom (Gorsuch and Kavanaugh) Joe Manchin himself voted for. So spare us.

— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) January 19, 2022


— Incompetent Lying Fascist GOP Must Go (@iceman192231) January 19, 2022

Fixed it for you, Joe Manchin. pic.twitter.com/SlUCpy8fMA

— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) January 19, 2022

I saw Manchin, bringing out his grappling gear, trying to mount the higher moral ground. He never got close.

— Margaret J Park, M.Div. Writer (@imemjae62) January 19, 2022

Then, after Republicans like Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma tried to make a voting rights point by talking about how much people liked the late Betty White, Sen. Tom Cotton got up and belched out his general crap about how Democrats want to turn your children into trans-Muslim Chinese communists. He also promoted the lie that no one has ever changed the rules in the Senate to pass bills around the filibuster.

This led Sen. Jeff Merkley to give Sen. Tom Cotton a history lesson, one that includes the very recent Senate history that gave us three Supreme Court justices that represent a minority view of morality and justice, as well as the wildly unpopular Republican tax break for the rich.

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Also responding to Sen. Cotton’s attempt at a ‘gotcha’ was New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan, who gave arguably the best and most impassioned speech on the floor. Pointing out that she never thought the Republican Party, after Jan. 6, would go as far down the fascism hole as it has, she finished her speech by laying it all on the line: “The Republican Party and the Democratic Party must unite for freedom. And to stand for an accountable democracy because without that, the rules of this body do not matter.”

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