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The right's 'great reset' conspiracy theory pushes climate disinformation


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I should’ve known something was up a few weeks ago when I started getting mass notifications from Twitter about a relatively uncontroversial story I wrote about climate change warming the country. This is Elon Musk’s Twitter, and climate deniers and conspiracy theorists have made it their playground. I’ve heard plenty on the denial side, but less on some of the other conspiracy theories reaching the far-right. Its most notorious climate conspiracy? Something called the “great reset.”

It’s a conspiracy theory that gets its name from a World Economic Forum initiative that believers misconstrued to be about those in power weaponizing the pandemic, despite the fact that the 2020 initiative sought to combat inequality worsened by COVID-19 while also centering environmental issues. The Anti-Defamation League has a fantastic primer on the many ways conspiracy theorists believe all hell will break loose because of the “global elites.” And some of that chaos, they believe, will be caused by anyone who buys into climate change.

A series of talking points abounded from the great reset conspiracy theory. When it comes to climate, those look like claims of climate lockdowns and climate change itself being weaponized to control ordinary citizens in every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the jobs we take to put food on the table for our families. As Media Matters reports, climate denial remains the overarching theme of the climate side of the great reset.

E&E News’ Climatewire notes that this theory isn’t just limited in its appeal but a theory wholly embraced by lawmakers like Rep. Paul Gosar and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, both of whom represent states that—especially for Gosar in Arizona—will face climate-worsened drought conditions. The great reset has also permeated to influential far-right figures like Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, and Jack Posobiec. They believe that climate change is bullshit and that it’s being used to restrict freedoms.

It’s near-impossible to reason with someone who believes there will be apocalyptic conditions because of a conspiracy theory instead of understanding the real threat of climate change itself. Education and communication are essential. Pushing back on those conspiracy theorists being platformed is another great way to combat climate disinformation. Call on social media companies to crack down on climate disinformation and stop the spread of conspiracy theories like the great reset.