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Trafalgar Square's Christmas Tree Has Arrived, Looking 'So Over It'


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This year's Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square has arrived
This year's Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square has arrived

Norway’s annual gift of a huge Christmas tree for London has already been ridiculed, just hours after its arrival.

The giant foliage spectacle has once again touched down in the heart of the capital, ready to be decorated – but much like last year, it’s looking pretty sparse when it comes to actual branches...

Every year, Norway presents the UK with a Christmas tree as a means of thanks for our involvement in World War 2.

But in 2021, the tree was utterly torn apart on Twitter for its noticeable lack of pine needles, with many people commenting that it really reflected the year all Brits had.

And 2022 was a pretty rough ride too – and so Twitter users, once again, flocked to mock the tree which represents the rather weary state many Brits are in at the moment.

Judging by the photos of the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree being felled last week in Norway and arriving today, it’s been transported as hand luggage on Ryanair… (Photos @UKinNorway and @danbarker) pic.twitter.com/iEwKkqPuAd

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) November 28, 2022

If the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree were a person…. pic.twitter.com/E6JiwcIEvt

— Alexandra Haddow (@MissAHaddow) November 28, 2022

Ok, own up, who switched out the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree for one from Wish mid-journey? https://t.co/vscBeefoUp

— Rebecca Jules (@RebeccaJJules) November 28, 2022

Trafalgar Square. Thank you Norway for donating half a tree. Again. pic.twitter.com/Mkn7IxfMsL

— Annabel ? (@annaberu) November 28, 2022

The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree looks so over it pic.twitter.com/lRngIPJnEN

— Omid Scobie (@scobie) November 28, 2022

Today Trafalgar Square gets their annual Christmas tree gifted by Norway. It looks like yet again they forgot half of the tree back in Oslo. ????? #TrafalgarSquare#London#christmas2022pic.twitter.com/nlETeO3z02

— Dāvis Viļums (@DavisVilums) November 28, 2022

Every year Oslo sends a Christmas tree to Trafalgar Square, in gratitude for our help during the Second World War.

But I'm starting to think perhaps the Norwegians, aren't so fond of us. https://t.co/pggRvgvK1B

— Mark Rofe ? (@iamrofe) November 28, 2022

Even worse than last year ??https://t.co/ROeQrAESAa

— Ryan Murton (@ryan_murton) November 28, 2022

2008 Trafalgar Square Christmas tree vs. 2022 Trafalgar Square Christmas tree

? pic.twitter.com/hI6Nt3jnPl

— Best for Britain (@BestForBritain) November 28, 2022

But, the British Embassy in Norway was ready for it this time.

When uploading photos of the (actually quite bushy) tree being cut last week, it added: “Disclaimer: the Trafalgar Tree was in perfect condition when it left!”

The @trafalgartree is now on its way to London ?

A pleasure hosting @LM_Westminster this weekend, and thanks to @Oslokommune for a wonderful ceremony! The tree remains a symbol of the close ???? relationship

Disclaimer: The #TrafalgarTree was in perfect condition when it left! pic.twitter.com/qs11Uo4KSz

— British Embassy Oslo ???? (@UKinNorway) November 21, 2022

And not everyone wanted to knock it – it has travelled 1,000 miles to the UK after all.

It left Norway ?? looking great. It's a wonderful gesture of friendship- perhaps we should stop knocking it just because it doesn't look like it's out of Disney.?♂️ pic.twitter.com/z5B3BRTBMQ

— Cllr Tim Roca???️??? (@timroca85) November 28, 2022

London the Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree ? is here!

It’s just finished a 1,000 mile journey from Oslo to London.

Give it time! pic.twitter.com/tj49ZQsQ4S

— London Street Guide (@LondonStreetGu4) November 28, 2022

