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Trump has been laughing at Jan. 6 victims' trauma, according to sources


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To say Donald Trump is a cartoon villain ascribes far too much humanity and gravitas to this oleaginous heap of gently used circus peanuts. Most people can fully size him up after hearing him purple-nurple the Queen’s English with his gauche, ungrammatical boasts for a just a few minutes, but many Americans remain in thrall to his, shall we say, “unique” charms. You see, the guy who once cut off his gravely ill infant nephew’s health insurance out of spite isn’t as nice as you might think. Despite being 100% culpable for the deaths, trauma, and collective national scars that resulted from last year’s Capitol insurrection, Trump remains unchastened. In fact, according to one recent report, he’s downright giddy about that disgraceful chapter in our nation’s history—still.

According to the Daily Beast:

According to three people with direct knowledge of the matter, the twice-impeached former president has noticed the emotional accounts, particularly that from Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Some he has found annoying. Others, however, have become targets of mockery and casual hilarity for him.

In several conversations with close allies over the past 12 months, Trump has repeatedly made fun of the idea that certain legislators, police, or journalists were traumatized by the violent events of the day, according to these sources. There are moments when the ex-president has speculated that his critics are “faking” their trauma and anxiety, for attention. Other times, he’s done poor, whining impersonations of perceived enemy lawmakers crying about the riot.

Wait, he thinks it’s funny that they were frightened by a violent, rampaging mob? This guy?

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Trump’s callousness toward his real and perceived enemies, no matter the level of trauma inflicted, is standard fare for Trump: a man who built much of his political legacy and appeal by demagoguing and viciously smearing those who speak out against him. For example, despite his frequent claims about “backing the blue,” Trump privately referred to some of the police officers who were at the Capitol that day as “pussies, The Daily Beast previously reported.

Wait, didn’t Trump say during his speech on the Ellipse last Jan. 6 that he would be marching to the Capitol with these fools? Guess he was too scared to follow through. How come none of his diehard fans ever call him out on that? “I’m gonna march into battle with you, brave patriots! But first, some teevee and Funyuns!”

In a related story, we’re now hearing even more reports that Trump was pleased as punch about the unfolding violence last Jan. 6, and more than a little reluctant to call it off:

A former Trump White House official said then-President Donald Trump initially refused to tweet the words "stay peaceful" as the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was escalating.

As a violent pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol and sent lawmakers scrambling for their lives, Trump tweeted at 2:38 p.m. ET that day: "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!" The tweet came 20 minutes after Trump supporters were smashing through windows and evacuations of lawmakers had begun.

The former official, who was working in the West Wing and was close to White House messaging during the insurrection, said Trump did not want to include the words "stay peaceful" and was "very reluctant to put out anything when it was unfolding." Trump was "letting it play out," the official said of the violence at the Capitol.

Hmm. No wonder he’s Michigan’s Man of the Year.

Essentially all the reporting that’s come out on this since last year has pointed in the same disturbing direction: Trump didn’t just do nothing to stop the riot, he absolutely loved it.

On Thursday in Washington, D.C., CNN interviewed former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham, who’s now working to expose Trump’s dark side to the world. (I thought it was all dark, but then maybe I have a blind spot when it comes to seeing the good in irredeemable shart golems.)

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GRISHAM: “All I know about that day was that he was in the dining room gleefully watching on his TV as he often did. ‘Look at all of the people fighting for me.’ Hitting rewind, watching it again. That’s what I know.”

Seventy-four million votes, people. Seventy-four fucking million.

This is going to be a long year—and a long fight. I really hope we’re ready.

It made comedian Sarah Silverman say, “THIS IS FUCKING BRILLIANT,” and prompted author Stephen King to shout “Pulitzer Prize!!!” (on Twitter, that is). What is it? The viral letter that launched four hilarious Trump-trolling books. Get them all, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.