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What the nunchuck is going on in Arizona? Attorney general’s video gets widely mocked on Twitter


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Arizona Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich must be under a lot of stress. He is considered the Republican Party’s best chance at turning Sen. Mark Kelly’s seat red this coming election. He’s the front-runner for the nomination to run against Sen. Kelly. But he’s also, up until recently, been on the list of MAGA-lite officials who aren’t delusional enough to support all of the fact-free conspiracy theories Trumpers would like investigated. Trump has attacked Brnovich for not complying with his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, and has endorsed more overtly fascist candidates to replace run-of-the-mill fascists like Gov. Doug Ducey.

After Trump aimed one of his oafish attacks on Brnovich in May, Brnovich began adding more ultra-right-wing histrionics to his platform. This included writing some strongly worded letters to the Department of Justice about how they were being soft on immigration and calling the DOJ’s well-warranted leeriness over the Cyber Ninja election fraud farce-recount debacle in Arizona partisan. Recently, Brnovich has added some anti-vaxx nonsense to the public exhibits showing how low he will go to win his party’s nomination. It is all a posturing toward the two-dimensional, 1990s action star concept of masculinity that Donald Trump represents.

On Friday, Mr. Brnovich took that fragile masculinity to its foregone conclusion and tweeted this video of himself, showing everyone his nunchucks skills. Literally.

The video.

You want the nunchucks. You got the nunchucks. pic.twitter.com/fu4MlJEUN1

— Mark Brnovich (@GeneralBrnovich) October 15, 2021

That’s real. He and someone or someones said you know what a good idea is? Why don’t I/You do that nunchuck thing you’re always doing. The Arizona attorney general then gave someone his phone, that person is either much taller than Brnovich or they got up on a stool, and then somebody says allrighty, let’s do this. Then, 54-year-old Mark Brnovich shows you his sweet nunchucks skills. As you might imagine, the responses were *chef’s kiss*.


Are you running against the Star Wars Kid? pic.twitter.com/hAkSNAD8rc

— Münchener Post (@MunichPost) October 15, 2021

What might really be happening is explained in one tweet.

lmfao, Wendy Rogers, Kari Lake, and all the pro-audit folks have been expecting AG Brnovich to somehow throw all their political enemies in Gitmo for made up crimes and he's just like "how bout some NUNCHUCKS instead!" pic.twitter.com/3G5HH42foo

— AZ Right Wing Watch (@az_rww) October 15, 2021

Here’s an important breakdown of Arizona’s Republican field.

The leading AZ GOP primary candidates are a good example of the GOP dying Kari Lake for Governor - former news anchor, current conspiracy theorist and insane person Ron Watkins for US Congress - FUCKING Q Brnovich for US Senate - Dude is posting fucking nunchuk videos

— Barfolemew the Vaccinated (@RavagerMog) October 15, 2021

Warning: strong language ahead.


— Nobody_Cares_2024 (@tejasmang_2024) October 15, 2021

And the 1990s.


— Rusty Shackleford ?? (@RsTshackleford) October 15, 2021

Omg. How embarrassing. It’s like watching a real life uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite pic.twitter.com/NqnM0QNKiZ

— chadlybrown (@chadlybrown) October 15, 2021

These Seagal movies are becoming less believable than ever pic.twitter.com/ePQSTAW6J1

— Keane Li (@keaneli) October 15, 2021

And 1990s cinema.

Anybody else feel like they've just watched a remake of Morrie's wig commercial in Goodfellas ? pic.twitter.com/rNWhrkqawU

— Booker (@BomBooker) October 15, 2021

And my personally favorite.

“I’m @SenMarkKelly and I approve this message.”

— NICKinNOVA (@NICKinNOVA) October 15, 2021