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Wyoming librarians won't face obscenity charges over stocking sex ed, LGBTQ books for youth


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As Daily Kos previously covered, a large-scale controversy has targeted a small library in Campbell County, Wyoming. Why? Anti-LGBTQ+ hysteria, of course. As you might remember, several community members were upset to realize that children’s and young adult books about LGBTQ+ issues and sexual education were available for check out at the library. These complaints resulted in 27 books being challenged, a process that any library patron can initiate for any book. After Hugh and Susan Bennett went to the sheriff’s office about five books, however, the situation was referred to county prosecutors. The outcome? Serious concern that librarians at the public library could face criminal charges over the books on grounds of obscenity. Yes, really.

Thankfully, Weston County Attorney Michael Stulken won’t bring charges against the librarians, as he recently admitted he simply wouldn’t have a case. The books in question include How Do You Make a Baby by Anna Fiske, Doing It by Hannah Witton, Dating and Sex: A Guide for the 21st Century Teen Boy by Andrew P. Smiler, Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg, and This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson. According to Stulken, the four books he reviewed aren’t obscene, and keeping them in the teen section doesn’t violate state laws. The prosecutor says he hasn’t yet reviewed This Book is Gay, simply because he didn’t receive a copy.

In a letter to the sheriff's office dated Wednesday, Stulken explained his decision not to pursue charges.

“One would be hard pressed in a criminal prosecution to prove that the materials presented, when applying contemporary community standards and taking them as a whole, appeal to the prurient interest,” Stulken wrote in part, adding that the books (when evaluated using contemporary norms and standards) do not “criminally” describe sexual conduct in an offensive manner. He also acknowledged the books might have “scientific” value. In summary, Stulken stressed: “I cannot ethically bring criminal charges if the facts surrounding a certain matter are not supported by probable cause.

In an email to the Associated Press, Terri Lesley, the executive director of the library, happiness about this outcome so they can “move on” from the situation.

Other happy news? As covered by the Gillette News Record, during a library board meeting on Monday, the group backed library staff and voted to keep This Book is Gay in the teen section, arguing that to remove it would actually be a form of censorship.

That said, however, some folks are still unhappy with the books in question.

Hugh Bennett, who attended the meeting, for example, told the board that he didn’t believe adults could be in “good conscience” and provide these books to kids. “Not all families,” he argued, according to Wyoming Public Radio. “As the LGBTQ lobby tells us, are not the same, and not all parents have the ability to monitor their children's actions as well as they should." Nothing like “LGBTQ lobby” to make your views crystal clear, eh?

In speaking to the Associated Press about the county attorney’s decision not to press charges, Bennett said he won’t change his mind because of a lawyer’s choice. He told the outlet he feels it’s wrong to use public money to keep those books in the youth section of the library.

And if this library sounds familiar to you for yet another reason, it’s probably because you remember the community outrage over a magician who had to cancel her show last summer after receiving multiple anonymous threats. The library booked a children’s magician, Mikayla Oz, to put on a show for kids at the library. Great! Folks somehow realized the magician is an openly trans woman, lost their minds, and began threatening the library and the magician herself; Oz made the call to cancel the show out of concern for the children, saying she didn’t want them to have to deal with protesters when just trying to enjoy a fun activity.

Conservatives like to say their hullabaloo is all about protecting kids. Meanwhile, they’re more than happy to traumatize them along the way.