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ICYMI: Donald Trump celebrates House speaker pick, digs hole for GOP moderates


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Meet the new House speaker who doesn't believe in democracy

Oh boy, have you seen this new House speaker? Just when you think Republicans can’t get worse, they dredge up something like Mike Johnson to be their public face. He’s so, so bad. It’s impossible for any summary to do him justice, so click on that link and read the story. In short, he literally doesn’t believe in democracy, saying, “You know, we don't live in a democracy [but a] Biblical" republic. He views LGBTQ+ people as “a deviant group.” As Mark Sumner writes, “Johnson believes that Christians have an exclusive right to rule the United States.” When it comes to same-sex marriage and other rights, he doesn’t want to drag us back decades: He wants to drag us back centuries.

Johnson is a zealot and he falters where party leaders usually excel—he doesn’t even know how to raise money. Since 2016, ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy raised $77 million for House campaign committees, funding Republican efforts nationwide. Johnson? He’s only raised $4 million in that period, and it was all money for himself. In a tough cycle for Republican House incumbents, 18 of whom represent districts carried by President Joe Biden in 2020, the lack of McCarthy’s money spigot will become a real hindrance to their efforts to retain the majority.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is taking all the credit for Johnson and celebrating the pick. This ensures more future pain for those Republican “moderates” in Biden districts, no matter how much they hysterically pretend to be a stabilizing force in their caucus.


Federal court strikes down Georgia GOP's gerrymanders for discriminating against Black voters

Huge news. Also, a reminder that the Republican majority in the House is 100% the result of discriminatory, illegal districts. Not even a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court majority could pretend otherwise.

US economic growth accelerated to strong 4.9% rate last quarter as consumers shrugged off Fed hikes

Turns out Democratic stewardship is great for the economy. A lot of doomsayers (including all Republicans) who predicted a recession are looking pretty dim right now.

Senate committee investigates Clarence Thomas for hidden $267,230 RV loan gift

Sen. Ron Wyden, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, is shedding light on the quarter-million-dollar gift Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas never disclosed.

Scholastic reverses course, won't cave to bigots by segregating diverse books

It’s deeply unfortunate that Scholastic didn’t get this from the beginning, and it’s good that authors and activists organizing and speaking out did get the policy changed.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries delivers awesome speech challenging Republicans to govern

The speech was broken up by numerous standing ovations from the left side of the aisle.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says supporting voting rights is 'completely against what we stand for'

Republicans really are terrified of a fair fight at the ballot box. And they should be.

Senate Democrats eye end run around Tuberville’s military promotion blockade

Democrats finally have a plan to get around Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s one-man blockade.



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