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Madison Cawthorn changes cocaine and orgy allegations in heated meeting with GOP leader McCarthy


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Over the last week, Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina has made waves by making some pretty outrageous claims. As is his special talent, Cawthorn has been recorded saying these things with his own mouth—every time. His most recent claims, made on a video podcast called Warrior Poet Society, is that Washington, D.C. operatives he has “looked up to” his whole life are morally bankrupt, doing “key bumps” of cocaine in front of him, as well as inviting him to orgies at their homes.

The very clear implication here is that Cawthorn was talking about fellow GOP officials in Congress. Madison Cawthorn is a liar. An enormous liar. It is hard to find anything he has told the truth about over the last couple of years. This means that Cawthorn’s statements implying his fellow Republicans are having nefarious orgies, being blackmailed by the media, and doing illicit drugs have been taken with some skepticism. But fellow congressional Republicans have been freaking out because … maybe it’s true? Because maybe it isn’t true? But if it isn’t true, if the Christian conservative GOP is not filled with a bunch of coked-up group-sex participants, shouldn’t someone in the GOP do something about Madison Cawthorn’s slanderous statements?

RELATED STORY: Madison Cawthorn turns his slander onto the Republican Party

Enter Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. As the leader of the House GOP, McCarthy’s level of cowardice and shamelessness really knows no bounds. While the members of his party have been brought up on suspicions of having had sex with minors, McCarthy has spent most of his time ducking any questions regarding this sort of behavior. On Wednesday, McCarthy added a new level to the depths of moral decrepitude he and the GOP were willing to stoop to.

McCarthy told reporters that he met with the North Carolina Republican to discuss Cawthorn’s allegations of impropriety. According to Politico, McCarthy said that Cawthorn had “lost my trust.” McCarthy didn’t go so far as to say Cawthorn would be punished the way that say Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were punished for voting to impeach Donald Trump. But what exactly did Cawthorn say about the claims that he made? According to Axios, McCarthy says Cawthorn “exaggerated” … and also lied. For example, Cawthorn went from the claim that he watched someone “do a key bump of cocaine” right in front of him, to "he thinks he saw maybe a staffer in a parking garage from 100 yards away.”

In fact, according to Politico, Cawthorn told McCarthy “he doesn’t know what cocaine is.” Did you get that? A guy that knows the phrase “key bump of cocaine,” also told someone he doesn’t know what cocaine is. Just in case that did not register for you: Madison Cawthorn accused an unknown D.C. person of being a leader against “addiction” in our country, and then sniffing some cocaine off of his keys. When confronted about this statement he said he maybe saw someone in a parking garage, and from a football field away, and not knowing what cocaine is, came up with the allegation that he had watched someone do cocaine off their key.

As for the orgy thing? McCarthy says “It is just frustrating. There is no evidence behind his statements.” He also said that Cawthorn would have to “earn” back his trust because “he’s got a lot of members very upset.” Really struck a nerve with the GOP crowd, it seems.

Republicans have been doing the thing they usually do—plead ignorance of reality. Before the caucus meeting on Tuesday, Rep. Louie Gohmert told the Daily Beast he hadn’t heard about anything in the history of anything. “I haven’t seen those parties. So, I need to find out more about it before I comment, because that just seems rather bizarre.”

RELATED STORY: Republicans freaking out about Madison Cawthorn's allegations of 'cocaine' and 'orgies'

Republican Rep. Steve Womack of Arkansas is tired of the Cawthorn act, it seems, telling Politico that he will wait and see, but “frankly, if western North Carolina is not going to fix the problem, then leadership will have to.” Womack, like McCarthy, is a Republican, so “wait and see” doesn’t mean much of anything. Just ask all of those guys that talked about how terrible Donald Trump was before licking the bottom of his shoes for [checks watch] five years and counting.

And here’s a thought from Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

Not sure why Republicans are acting so shocked by Cawthorn’s alleged revelations about their party. One of their members is being investigated for sex trafficking a minor and they’ve been pretty OK w/ that. They issued more consequences to members who voted to impeach Trump. https://t.co/Tlfms2C4qK

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 30, 2022

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